I’ve said this before. And I’ll say it again. There are blogs that I skim …
Take it away Kelly …
Sometimes I catch my dog Marley staring off into the distance, pensive. Deep thoughts weighing heavily on her mind.
Her outside perspective on the human condition, I expect, would be so enlightening as to erase nearly all controversy from even the most controversial of subjects.
“Wow,” we would all think, astonished. “Why has no one yet framed these issues in such a modern, intellectual way? Surely there is no longer a need for war.”
But alas: simple biology prevents her from being able to broadcast her observations.
Sometimes she sighs heavily and collapses, distressed, into a heap on the floor.

The wheels are turning, can’t you see? Look how she philosophizes. She understands The Trinity.
She is so deep, that dog.
Such a tragedy that though she wishes she could communicate to us the keys to world peace and the end of world hunger, her life is spent napping, pooping and fetching.
A grievous squandering of rare brilliance.
I hope you’ll join me over at View Along the Way for more deep thoughts on the meaning of life (and/or useless silliness related to home projects). You can subscribe to the blog here, or follow me on facebook or twitter.
Thanks for the chance to crash your blog, Linda! Have a glorious vacation!
What fun to read! I’m a dog lover all the way!
I loved reading this this morning. It really put a smile on my face. Aren’t dogs the best? My Poppy often gives me those pensive looks.
Gotta love a dog post!! Sweet Marley — so full of wisdom. 🙂 Wouldn’t you love to know what dogs are thinking?
xo Heidi
PS– Kelly rocks! Great choice, Linda!
I would LOVE to know what my cats are thinking at any given point in time. Somehow I doubt they are as philosophical as Marley. They probably spend hours contemplating the meaning of the screen that exists solely to keep them from mutilating a bird outside the window.
Kelly and her dog really have me pondering the meaning of life!
OK, I’m a bit worried that Kelly and I seem to both be on the ‘deep thought-dog-post’ train together. (That will make sense when my day is up). Makes me think we are channeling Ernie while you are gone. Where is he? What have you done with him?
I so needed this laugh out loud post today!!!!! My husband and I realize that our dog Keiki cannot speak, so we substitute a voice for her, and have conversations with each other of the things she would say if she could. Yes, we are very strange dog loving people here. But after all, Keiki is my 4th child and forever baby. So of course, her voice is that of a small child, with a wicked sense of humor. Glad to know there are others out there who have odd relationships with their dogs.
Hahaa, aww. Marley does look like she has a lot on her mind. Great post, Kelly!
Sounds like Kelly’s dog needs one of those collars from UP that verbalizes her dog’s thoughts!
This made me laugh! I love the thought of a dog understanding the Trinity but just not being able to express it. Ha!
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Hope to see you there! And thanks so much!
Lol! Kelly, I love your unique take on things! You never fail to make me laugh! The World According to Marley… now that would be interesting! It really wouldn’t surprise me if dogs knew the secret meaning of life as they are probably the keenest observers on the planet, privy to our deepest, darkest secrets!
Great Post Kelly! It would be so nice to read my dog’s mind, but then again when he gives me the look of “your an idiot”, maybe it’s best I don’t know what he’s thinking.
my dogs definitely know so much…… and feel so much deeper than me sometimes….. and have the smelliest farts ever. no need for bombs.
I too think that my dogs have some deep dark thoughts and they’re just dying to share them!