I think perhaps this week — after all these many, many years — I finally understand the saying, “do you have a hole in your head?”
A phrase that was a favorite of my mom’s. One of her many mom’isms …
… and one, thankfully, I’ve yet to hear come out of my mouth …
When she would frequently question my brother and sisters … and, okay … me too about those purported holes in our heads, I couldn’t help but conjure up a cartoon image in my head. Something out of Wiley E. Coyote. Where there would be a hole in my temple and you could see clear through to the other side. Nice and clean. With no blood or guts obstructing the view.
Now if my mom was with me this past week while I wandered through the Salvation Army …
{ though my mom would never shop at Salvation Army. Don’t get me wrong. My mom is not a snob. Quite the contrary. She grew up poor. Surrounded by — and adorned in — hand-me-downs and previously-owned. New rarely – if ever — crossed the threshold of her childhood home. What many of us see as vintage, she just sees as junk}
… but let’s say, for the sake of this story, that mom and her mom’isms was with me. Right behind me as I venture down that random aisle where they dump all those random things that don’t go with anything else …
… and I’m pretty sure when she spots me spotting this “vintage” three-hole-punch …
… and even going so far as to pick it up and admire it’s sturdy design, she would’ve absolutely without a doubt accused me of having a hole in my head for even considering this purchase …
… and as I carry it to the cashier and pay my $5.99 …
… I would correct her and tell her that, in fact, if I didn’t make this purchase I would walk away with a three-hole-punch in the head.
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* Funky Junk Interiors * The Cottage Market * Southern Hospitality *
I LOVE it!
cute! good for you and your find.
Love your hole punch and the story to go along with it. Is it in your office? That would be perfect. 🙂
OMG….Silver Burdette!
That would look awfully nice in my office at school. Now I’ve got another thing to keep my eye out for. 🙂
Ditto on my mom. Almost word for word.
Amazing. Amazing.
I have one just like that! And I got it at Salvation Army! You had a very fitting and fun way to tell this tale too! LOVE IT!
OH Linda, this is great! First of all your three hole punch is simply wonderful! And yes my mother has said those very same words to me… and I have said the very same thing to at least once (admitted with head hanging… but trust me there were LOTS of “what were you thinking” moments when we lived in the country.) In fact we are looking for a “new” three hole punch as my “modern” one broke… lets just say they don’t mix well with metal… yes it was one of “those” moments. 🙂 let me say once again for the record I LOVE my boys!! 🙂 Thankfully they are now older…
Excellent purchase. We refer to my mom’s sayings at “Marilynisms.” She had quite a few too! At my school where I used to work we had one of these hole punches. It is ancient and probably was purchased by some frugal nun a million years ago. Yours is shiny and clean and much better looking!
Glad you came to the thrift store dark side – you’ll never go back!
Ok…. I’m impressed! I don’t know if I would have known what it was except that it looked pretty darn cool! Great design, right? And does it work? Don’t worry… I think we all carry around our mother’s mom-isms in our heads! If only we knew what ones we passed on down to our children???!! LOL
And to think you were never a thrifter … just think of all of the finds you’ve missed out on that would’ve inspired more momisms. 🙂
I am cracking up at the Wiley Coyote reference! I could totally see that! Clear hole, straight through, no gore. Love your version of the holes.
Linda…you brought back so many memories of my dad saying that…I so forgot about that….we lost him many years ago and after reading this, I can really hear his voice saying that…I either had a hole in my head or rocks in my head…or had “totally lost my mind”…Thanks for putting a smile on my face of days gone by…
Great hole punch…I would not have passed that one up either!…
Oh yes, I remember hearing that when I was growing up too! We actually use one very similar to this at work. Except it doesn’t have the gold parts, and it looks very used. lol
Great post, thanks for the memories.
Debbie 🙂
Love your punch and the story. What wisdom in those simple words-even though they certainly don’t apply in this case!