Neutral Gray, Greige, Jute Decor Ideas – Fall Family Room in Neutrals.
But today, let’s talk home style. In the family room.
I decided it was time to change up the family room style … starting with the rug.
This wonderful neutral 100% jute rug. A rug that comes in almost any size you could ever desire.
I opted for an 8′ square. And I ordered here from Wayfair (click here). I also found the very same rug for slightly cheaper on Amazon at this affiliate link (click here).
Then there are pillows. Again, like the neutral rug, I went for a neutral greige. And I ordered the fabric from this Etsy seller (click here).
And now I’m left to wonder in how many years will I regret these design choices? Two years? Five? Ten?
Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh.
Oh, and here’s that promised fashion flashback (on this Throwback Thursday) in all it’s bad perm/Sun-In/mullet glory …
which also begs the question, “Why am I awkwardly lying on the ground?” 🙂
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Senior graduation pic by any chance? Who knows what we’ll regret…does it really matter? If you like it now…that’s all that is important in my book!
It’s actually college sorority picture. My senior graduation shot features the early 80’s Farah Fawcett wanna-doo hair. Only my hair didn’t really wanna-doo it! Ha! 🙂
Love your comments politically as from overseas we wonder. Anyway back to the 60s/70s I was in a shop in Aussie the other day and saw racks of flower Power dresses. I mean the floral ones with the stirred elastic etc. new fashion? I hate to admit I was there the first time around, Oh Dear! I have chosen most of my like neutral/safe, maybe I should go the other way to extremely bright. My friends would sure wonder what happened. Thanks for great posts.
Ha! I think I had that same sweater! and hairstyle!
Actually a lot of your “regrets” were the fashionable thing to do at the time. So, really, you should only regret them if they still exist in your home or your closet. Spending little money on a fad wasn’t a bad idea- you knew it would be short lived. If you like to change often that’s good value. If you like to hang onto things a long time (like me – and maybe your sister) spending more money on a classic might be the better value.
Hmmm, I retreat to blogs to get away from divisive media (and social media) political rants. I hope this won’t be a new outlet for yours (or anyone else’s) no matter which way you lean. jmho.
While I fully understand your concerns and will respectfully publish your comment, may I just say perhaps my blog is not the right place for you? You see, I don’t approach this blog as a space where I churn out crafts and decor ideas. If you’ve spent any time here, you’ll know that this blog is where I share my life experiences – past, present and future aspirations. This blog is me, with a side of crafts and decor and recipes. So, no, I don’t intend to start engaging in political rants on this space (and honestly I didn’t think a jab at the president’s tv viewing habits is a rant), but I can’t pretend what is happening in this nation is not taking a toll on me and my life. It’s certainly taken a toll on my creativity and drive. And since this space is a reflection of my life, that toll may appear from time to time as a jab. Or perhaps documentation of my participation in a local event or march. So again, if you find this offensive then may I suggest (again) that this blog might not be the best place for you. There are plenty of blogs that just churn out crafts and diy content. All of them (including mine) for free.
Linda, I appreciate your reply, thank you. I apologize for offending you with my comment (which I’m assuming I did since you suggested -twice- that I could stop following your blog). It was not my intent to offend but merely to express an opinion. In your ‘Meet Linda’ section you said that you hoped we ‘would share our own experiences and advice’. I did not share advice, I merely shared an opinion. Like you, what is happening in this nation is taking a toll on me and my life, which is why I stated that I appreciated blogs that I could retreat to and just enjoy pretty things, creative projects, and creative people. I expressed a desire for blogs such as yours to not diverge into topics that could clearly alienate a large portion of the country. And, btw, I intentionally did not indicate which direction I lean politically because which way you or I lean is not the point.
I have enjoyed your blog for 6 years and have taken advantage of your tutorials as well as your affiliate links and I thank you for the inspiration you have provided. I’ve enjoy your folksy style of writing and your personal decorating style very much. I hadn’t intended to stop following you but, since you seem to feel strongly about it and, quite frankly, I don’t feel welcomed, I will take you up on your suggestion. I wish you and your family well and I wish you much success as you continue with your blogging career.
Very Sincerely,
Love the photo! And your blog. Fashion comes and goes……I also am not a “classic” person …… all the “regrets” but they also make the best memories
Thank you! Yes, it is fun to look back on those “regrets” pictures! 🙂
I would like to make a comment about the situation in Washington and effect it has had on a long time friendship but will decline. If you are interested in hearing the comment you could provide me with your email address,if not that’s ok and certainly understandable, especially these days.
Good to hear from you again, always enjoyed your view point.
Happy daze