Yarn Wrapped Hearts – Neutral Valentine’s Day Craft & Decor Idea.

I was toying with putting together a top 5 or top 10 posts of the year post.
But then I looked up from my computer screen at Kelly & Ryan on my television screen. And they were doing a show showing their top moments (or maybe it was favorite moments) from the past year. And it hit me …
the only people who enjoy a show featuring the show’s top moments from the past year are the people working on the show.
And that put a kibosh on a top 5 or top 10 posts of 2017 post.

Instead, let’s look forward and open our (yarn wrapped) hearts to 2018. 😉
But seriously, I don’t want to make any resolutions. Per se. Because then I’m destined for failure.
Instead I’ll call them minor improvements. And minor adjustments. Things I want to improve upon — and adjust — in the coming year.
Let’s start with health. Eating better. Exercising more. And, most importantly, trying to get on a real and sustainable eating-better-and-exercising-more schedule.
Then there’s the rabbit hole that is social media. In particular, a Twitter feed I used to keep apprised of current events. I hop on first thing in the morning and …
well ….
fall head first down that hole, only emerging for tea refreshes and bathroom breaks and sustenance.
To put it in perspective, over the past 12 months I’ve tweeted and re-tweeted 11.6K times. In my defense, 95% are re-tweets …
but, yeah, this Twitter habit needs to be cut back. Waaaaaaaaaay back.
Even as I type this post I keep jumping back on Twitter to peak at my feed.
Next up is blogging.
Last year was, quite frankly, lackluster. Weeks would go by with no posts. No projects. No motivation. There was even a time my blog was hacked and I didn’t realize it for days. Or maybe weeks?
Yeah. I was inattentive.
I hope to remedy that this year. I actually spent the past weekend putting together a list of projects. With deadlines. And creating an editorial calendar for January.
Fingers crossed I can keep to the schedule. Though this post was supposed to go up yesterday.
Finally (because I think it may be too ambitious to focus on more than four “improvements” when I’m already failing on “improvement” #2 on this 4th day of the New Year) there’s my heart.
I need to open it up more. Wider.
Okay, I truly do have an open heart. In theory. Now I need to take that open heart and put it into action.
In my community.
In my city.
In my state.
In my nation.
I started small yesterday. With a donation to a group in Chicago helping the homeless stay warm with clothes, blankets, and meals.
And I will continue to look for opportunities for open-heart-driven improvements. And adjustments. 🙂
In the meanwhile, I’ll be wrapping up my heart with yarn …
How to Make Yarn Wrapped Hearts
Yarn (I used this Lion’s Brand chunky yarn in Wheat)
Heart Shape (you can download & print at this link)
Pen & Scissors
Masking Tape
*some affiliate links included.

Print out and cut out heart shape (you can download at this link); trace onto cardboard (I used an old box that was originally destined for the recycle bin)

Cut out cardboard hearts.

Use a piece of masking tape to tape end of yard to cardboard heart.

Wrap yarn randomly around the cardboard heart. Continue until cardboard is completely covered.

When covered, cut off yarn and then loop the end through another piece of yarn and knot.

Cut off excess length.

And you’re done.

And you know what the best thing about this project is? I used what I had.
Hey, that’s going to be my improvement/adjustment number five in 2018. Craft with what I have …
because I’ve accumulated a lot of crafting materials over the past 6 years of this blog. 🙂
What improvements and adjustments do you have planned for the coming year?
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can I just say, I think your photo’s are always on fleek! LOL!
Thanks for all your great projects you share with everyone, and Me.
Happy New Year!
btw…I love your yarn hearts too!
Thank you so much! And happy 2018 to you too!!! 🙂
I think you’re off to a great start! I LOVE the yarn hearts. They are soooo pretty. I like that they are simple and easy to make. I too am embracing the idea of using what I have rather than buying more. I think that will be a brilliant theme for projects throughout the year. Happy 2018 Linda!
Thank you! And happy 2018 to you too! 🙂
So you’re a day late…at least you are still blogging. The hearts are cute, extending your heart…even better! Happy day to you! 😉
Just love these. I’m so behind or I’d make them now ❤️
Thank you, thank you, thank you for NOT doing the year in ‘review’!! I don’t even open those posts. Saw them the first time, saved what I loved and moved on. So again a big Thank You! Loved the new, fresh Valentine’s ideas.
You are so welcome! Oh, and I promise no “Word of the Year” posts either. That stuff just feels like filler to me!
Very cute. Very inexpensive! And, red yarn would be awesome on hearts too! xo
Absolutely red would look great too! I was going for neutral Valentine’s decor this year. But next year may be ready for red again!
I am trying with all my being to not let my heart be crushed and be paralyzed by the orange baboon and his antics. This requires push-back. Push-back requires energy and a plan. I have given myself January to solidify my plan. Wish me luck.
I, too, struggle daily with what is going on in … and coming out of … the WH. Please let me know your plan when you formulate it. I would love to just ignore it and stick my head in the sand, but this weekend am reminded of MLK’s great words: “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
Such a lovely, sweet way to share some love. I think I’m going to make these for my son’s preschool valentines and add a little tag with a Valentine’s Day msg. Thanks for a great (affordable!) and unique idea. Also, I am going to adopt your idea of New Year’s adjustments. God, that really rings true for me. Keep up the good work.
Thanks! And I love the idea of making them for the preschool Valentine’s! 🙂
I love these yarn hearts and can happily envision them in a pretty glass bowl, a red bowl, or any other one to match your decor. Red and pink hearts would look gorgeous in a milk glass bowl. I know you put this out several years ago and I probably saw it then but still haven’t made any. I will do these!!! I’m hosting a Galentine’s Day Luncheon so this would make a nice accessory for my table(s) and also as a gift for my friends!
I’m all for getting off Twitter and Instagram and staying on your blog. It’s more personal. Sometimes I see disgusting things on social media. We have to be so careful.