Easter Place Setting with Bunny Nose & Ears Napkin – Rabbit Ears Napkin Place Setting
When I was a kid, I loved Easter for all the same reason any kid loves Easter.
A basket filled with sugary, sweet candy. Check.
A GIANT chocolate bunny. Check and check.
A game of hide-and-seek first thing in the morning. Check and check and check.

But there was something else I loved about Easter that went beyond the candy and the chocolate bunny and the early morning game of hide-and-seek.

For me it was all about the fashion.
This is where I had hoped to insert pictures of me in said fashion. Sadly, I can’t find them!

Growing up, we didn’t just run to the store on any given day to buy clothes. We weren’t rich. We weren’t poor. But we were frugal. And buying clothes was a practicality. Not a luxury.
Plus I was the youngest of four, with two older sisters. Hand-me-downs were a real thing.
New clothes shopping was designated to specific times of the year. Back-to-school …

and holidays.
Easter was my favorite because it typically involved (in true late 60’s/early 70’s fashion) a dress with a matching coat.
A matching coat!!!!

That was the height of fashion for 6 and 7 and 8 year old me! 🙂

Though I have to admit in my 20’s I did have a suit with a matching trench coat. And I adored it as much as 6 and 7 and 8 year old me! 🙂

And what does any of this have to do with today’s Easter place setting blog post?
Almost nothing.
Except Easter.
You can find the tutorial on how to make the rabbit ears with bunny nose napkins at this link …

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Oh those bunny noses are darling, Linda! Thanks for the pretty and fun inspiration, and Happy Easter!
Love the napkins. So sweet.