Embroidery Hoop Wreath DIY – How To Make Embroidery Hoop Wreath With Faux Eucalyptus & White Roses.

For the next four years I’m going to try and spend as little as possible on craft supplies. Let me count the reasons why:
#1 – College. While my first child graduated from college in the spring, my second (and last) child starts her freshman year next week. And with the start of college comes the tuition bill. And this time around the bill is bigger. Gulp. So I’m going to be scrimping, scraping … and praying that nothing big decides to malfunction around the house. Fingers crossed.

#2 – Random Craft Supplies. I have boxes and bins and drawers and shelves filled with various crafting supplies. Things that I thought I wanted to make but never made. Supplies for things I thought I wanted to make, never made … and now can no longer remember what I wanted to make! There’s extra supplies from things I did make. And then there are craft supplies I bought with absolutely nothing in mind; I just thought they were cute.

#3 – Ad Revenues. I’m not sure what’s going on (and it’s probably because I’ve taken a couple of very extended breaks from blogging over the past year … or perhaps things are just slow in the summer and I never noticed before), but my blog ad revenue took a nose dive these past few months.

#4 – College + Ad Revenues. Did I mention college? 🙂 And did I mention ad revenues? Because those ad revenues are what I use to cover that college tuition. And when ad revenues are down … well, my stress levels go up! Fingers crossed (I’m doing a lot of that lately) things will pick up for the upcoming holiday season.
#5 – Recession? I haven’t fulled recovered from the last one and I feel like I’m always looking over my shoulder for signs of the next one …
So I’ve decided I’m going to be much more frugal. I’m going to dig through those boxes and bins and drawers and shelves and (for the most part) craft with what I have. And what I don’t have, I’ll spend as little as possible to acquire.
Take this embroidery hoop wreath craft.
I picked up those hoops years ago. One of those I can’t remember what I wanted to make left over craft supply. The faux eucalyptus leaves were purchased in the spring, long before I started panicking about college tuition! The faux roses are from the dollar store; again picked up years ago. The only ‘new’ craft supply purchased for this project are the faux eucalyptus stems. They were a very frugal $3.19 (link in materials list).
How To Make An Embroidery Hoop Wreath
Wire Clippers
Jute or Rope for Hanging
*some affiliate links included.

Attach eucalyptus stems to bottom of hoop using florist wire.

Cover wire with floral tape.

Strip the rose stems of the plastic coating. Then remove the wire.

Use florist wire to replace the original faux rose wire.

Make a little loop thing at the end so the wire stays put.

Attach roses to hoop.

Attach roses to hoop.

Add a jute loop and bow and hang.
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You can find all my craft projects at this link …
So lovely, Linda! I totally noticed the wreath in your house tour post! I’m pinning this! (I saw this at Morning Cup! Hope we get to see it at Tuesday Turn About!)