Radiator Cover Simple Fantel – Neutral Mantel with Lanterns

So a few thoughts on this rainy, thunder-stormy, seriously flooding (with occasional tornado warnings) end of May Memorial Day (well, here in Chicago at least):
#1 – I miss you guys. Well, it’s probably more gals than guys reading this but you get the point. But truly, deeply, I miss hearing from you. I miss sharing my life and my home and my crafts and my many ups … and my downs … with you.
The thing is, once I step away from the blog I find it that much harder to jump back in again. But here I am. Jumping ….
and hoping you’ll catch me!

#2 – Can I really call this a Spring mantel fantel? Technically it’s still Spring. So I guess technically I’m squeaking this one in under the wire. 😉

#3 – It feels really great to be behind the lens of my camera again. Seriously. I was having a really hard, depressing few weeks until I pulled out the camera. And just like that, everything felt right again.

#4 – My son graduated college on Mother’s Day weekend. We traveled down to Terre Haute to attend the event. It was long. The keynote speaker was meh. We were in the nose bleed seats.
On the day of the ceremony, my son had yet to get his final grades. So we crossed our fingers that this was really for real as we tried desperately to hear his name called out over various outbursts of cheers and screams that reverberated around stadium.
We are some seriously proud parents! Great job Sam! 🙂

#5 – Sorry for that college-graduating-cliffhanger thing, but my son truly did graduate. Officially. The diploma and transcripts arrived last week. Again, so very proud!

#6 – My daughter graduates high school next week. And then it’s off to Colorado for college in August.
I’m already stressing about the logistics of moving her out there without having to make a 15+ hour drive (with + being multiple restroom stops because tiny bladder).
I suppose I’ll UPS some stuff. Buy some stuff there. Get a really big suitcase for her clothes and stuff …
Any and all advice is greatly appreciated!

#7 – Thank you for sticking around. And coming back when I finally, finally showed up in your in-box.
And now I fear I’ve left some of your comments and messages hanging for months. Thirty-three to be exact. Though some of those may be spam. After I finish working on my next blog post today, I promise I’ll finally get back to you all!
#8 – Last (and least, for now), during the time I stepped away, WordPress (the platform I blog on) decided to change up how I create a blog post. Which seems unnecessary. Downright confusing, in fact.
Perhaps it’s just me getting old, but I’m definitely in the if it ain’t-broke-don’t-fix-it camp. You know the one. It’s across the lake from the you-can’t-build-a-better-mouse-trap camp and down the street from let’s-face-it-nothing-is-really-better-than-slice bread spa & resort. 😉
Well Linda, you are doing so much better than I, after 2016 election, you know that ONE, I closed my blog without notice and crawled into my happy place and seldom, and I mean seldom check on anyone or anything. In this season of my life, I am relishing all the simple things, like a slice of fresh baked lemon meringue pie for breakfast with some black tea. A silent moment in the garden with nothing but the melody of a sweet variety of feathered friends. Beside my rocker lies a romantic novel that just makes everything seem so pleasant and right. Perhaps what you are feeling is what most of us are feeling, the need to just hide for awhile. So this morning, I enjoyed hearing of your children’s accomplishments and the joy as a mother you would feel. I love your photos which you take with such finesse. I love the serenity of you. So on that note, I will return to my land of make believe which happens to my very happy place and wish you the joy of this day…
Here it is! Your comment (and thank you!). And I’m with you about trying to find my creativity post 2016. It’s a struggle, truly. I’m trying (and failing) and then trying again! Thank you so much for your lovely comment too! 🙂
Hi Linda, I did leave a comment but it seemed to disappear…I should have copied it …
It’s probably in here somewhere! I’ll work my way down to it. I have a spam filter that gives me a first look at all comments so I can approve them first! 🙂 Linda
Love the radiator cover…it is beautiful and the “fantalscape” is fabulous!!! Congrats to your daughter and good luck as she enters college in CO….my niece is a professor in one of the CO colleges…she loves it there!
Welcome back! I totally get your weather and life comments (recent empty nesters in Chicago’s NW suburbs). Will spring get here before meteorological summer begins?! Help us, Tom Skilling!
Congratulations on your graduations too! I’m sure our children don’t realize how personally we feel their accomplishments. We’ve been supporting them in the background, giving them a little subtle lift here and there when they are sagging, for so long!
College in Colorado. Don’t forget to use store services where you can (like ordering at Target here, picking up there). Those were just starting up when our youngest started college and I kicked myself for not taking better advantage of what they had to offer.
Good luck with all! I’m confident you will do well!
I saw your post on BNOP. College hint – use the bags that collapse when you use the vacuum cleaner to take the air out. They leave you a lot more room. Good luck.
Do they really work? I’ve been toying with the idea but worry they’ll re-inflate mid flight (or mid UPS delivery)!!! 🙂
Hi Linda!
Welcome back to the blogging world! I’m so glad you found your way to my Homestyle Gathering link party. Thanks for linking-up! I hope you’ll come back each week!
Your radiator cover is beautiful! And your mantel fantel is lovely! I love how you have it decorated – it’s so simple, but still makes a big statement!
Oh, and congrats to you and your graduates!
>>> Kim
Thank you and love your party! It’s on my “Must Attend” link party list! 🙂 Linda
Well, Linda. I’m glad you jumped back into blogging! This is beautiful. I jumped back into an old job last fall after nearly a decade of being gone, and yes…things change so much in a short amount of time! Your mantel is lovely. Thanks for sharing at Tuesday Turn About!
Linda, I have never flown with the vacuum packed bags. The bags are very durable but how they respond to air pressure change is not something that I can answer. They can definitely help with packing suitcases and allow you to fit more in the car. i used them when I moved 1300 miles in my car but that is not the same as flying. Check with Fed-Ex or UPS maybe. I hope that the trip goes smoothly.
Welcome back Linda and Congratulations to your children!
Welcome back! I’m glad you have found your way back to doing the things you enjoy! Beautiful photos Linda. Thank you for sharing on Tuesday Turn About!
I definitely thought I commented on this post, but I don’t see it! So glad you joined us at Tuesday Turn About… Love your ‘fantel’… first time I’ve ever her the ‘word’. 😉 Did you make your radiator covers?
Thanks for having me at the party! My radiator covers are custom made but the previous owner made them! Heating experts tell me they’re really not the most efficient, but the radiators are not pretty, plus I like have a “fantel” to put things on! 🙂 Linda
Sent two sons off to college, one all the way to CA for Boston. Ordered everything from bed bath beyond and picked it up locally. Could even double check our selections before we paid. Had a 20% off everything coupon!