I’ve always had tremendous admiration for those repurpose-full people. You know the ones. The people who make lemonade out of lemons.
They see a pair of cruddy old rain boots at a flea market and envision a cute planter for their front porch. They see clocks in old bicycle wheels. Christmas trees in old ladders. Wreaths in old mason jar lids …
you get the idea.
But me? Well, let’s just say when it comes to making lemonade, I buy the packaged stuff and just add water.
So when the lovely Carrie at Lovely, etc. asked if I wanted to participate in a monthly “repurpose” series with a few other bloggers … and I said yeah, sure, sounds like fun … what in the world was I thinking?
So please bear with me as I take baby steps into the world of repurposing. And recycling. And reusing. Seriously. I’m taking some teeny, tiny baby steps starting with some leftover scrapbook paper …
How to Make Paper Roses
I started by cutting a spiral out of a 6 x 6 inch piece of paper.
Then start rolling …
… and rolling.
Then let it go.
I punched a small hole in the bottom.
And then I used my glue gun to keep the flower together. A dab on the bottom and a few dabs here and here …
Then I fed a floral stem through the center and out through the hole I punched in the bottom.
Like so.
All that was left to do was arrange them in a vase.
Now if you want some more advanced repurposing ideas, check out my fellow Repurpose, Recycle, Reuse blogger projects …
DIY Light from Bigger Than The Three of Us
Shower Curtain Upholstery from Lovely, Etc.
Shirts Turned Into Lampshade Covers from Thrifty & Chic
Reuseable Tracing Mat from Life As A Thrifter
Valentine’s Poppers from All Things G&D
Now these ladies seriously know how to make lemonade out of lemons!
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Wonderful DIY projects.
Thanks for tutorial on making the roses
Very pretty!
Love this! The color is GORGEOUS!
Great tutorial. I’ve never tried making paper flowers…hmm…you got me thinking. =)
Well I surely like those better than Marie Osmonds song Paper Roses, and if I hummmm that song all day I’m gonna send you a YouTube of something as equally annoying.
Cool…now I can make my own…but what I really want is your glue gun. 🙂
SUPER cute! My little girl would love these!! Thanks for sharing!!
That is so cute Linda!!!..love it!…Heard you got lots of snow!!
I love these. I have a collection of tutorials for paper flowers on my Pinterest board but I’ve never actually gone and done any of them. Lazy me. I want to make some now.
Those are so easy to make! I didn’t realize how easy 😉 Those would look awesome around a wreath! They sell wreaths similar for like $50! …plus, I love your glue gun 🙂 Puts my glue gun to shame…actually makes me want to put it in the trash lol
Your roses are lovely! And they won’t dry up or wilt either!