Vegan Pesto with Walnuts – Easy Pesto Recipe.

Those who’ve been hanging around here for awhile know I like me some TV watching.
Not all day watching. But I do like to chill at the end of the day with a glass of wine and good binge.
My TV viewing tastes are all over the place. And can change with the wind.

But I’ll always say yes to Say Yes To The Dress.
And I’m always up for just about anything Bravo. Especially a little pot stirring with the Real Housewives of New York. And Orange County. And Beverly Hills.
And then there’s Below Deck. I’m all in for everything below, above and off deck too!
Gilmore Girls? Can’t get enough. I’ve watched each episode so many times that I’m very close to repeating episodes line-for-line!

90 Day Fiance? I’m obsessed with this franchise in all it’s iterations: during, before, after, the other way. I even watch as 90 Day Fiance-ers watch news episodes of new 90 Day Fiance-ers. Confusing, right?
And now we are entering the Hallmark Christmas movie season.

But here’s the real shocker …
are you ready for it?
I’ve recently added a series of YouTube channels to my viewing repertoire!
(Holds my head in shame).
I stumbled across Van Life on YouTube and I’m obsessed.
What’s Van Life, you may be asking?
Well, it’s simply that. Living in vans. People have converted their vans into rolling homes. And some of the conversions are amazing! And then they take their Van Life on the road. Around the U.S. To Mexico. Through Mexico. To Central America. Through Central America. To South America. Through South America …
you get the idea …
and one couple recently shipped their van across the Atlantic and are now Van Life-ing in Europe!
I’ll link some of my favorite Van Life YouTube channels at the end of the post if you want to check them out.
But there is one couple who frequently share their Van Life meals. All plant-based vegan. And they recently created an ebook with recipes that I just love, love, love. Including this Pesto recipe (which I slightly modified to adjust to my tastes) …
Pesto with Walnuts
- 1 1/2 cup fresh basil, chopped
- 1 cup walnuts, chopped (you can use pine nuts too)
- 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
- 3-4 cloves garlic
- 2 TBSP olive oil
- 3 TBSP nutritional yeast
- Combine basil, walnuts, nutritional yeast, garlic, lemon juice, olive oil and salt and pepper to taste in blender. Blend until smooth.
Ebook Link:
Here’s the Weekday Whip Ups Plant-Based Ebook from Van Lifers Eamon & Bec (p.s. I get nothing from promoting this ebook; I just am really enjoying the recipes and wanted to share!)
My Favorite Van Lifers:
Eamon & Bec – A Canadian couple in a beautifully converted Mercedes Sprinter van currently traveling through Europe
Kinging-It – This adorable couple recently converted a small bus (they named Custard) and are sharing their amazing trip through Europe. Pre-Custard, they’ve taken some wild trips in cars, vans and even a rickshaw through India!
Trent & Allie (and their dog Frank!) – Beautiful van conversion; they traveled through Mexico, Central America and are currently making their way to the tip of South America
Tio Adventura – They have a schooley (converted school bus) but are selling it and plan to take up Van Life! Can’t wait for their adventures!
Kombi Life – Ben is from the tiny island of Jersey off the coast of Great Britain and has spent the past 10 years traveling. His biggest trip was from the tip of South America to Alaska along the Pan-American Highway in a beat up VW bus. Along the way he adopted a Peruvian street dog and named her Alaska! He’s currently converting a new VW bus and plans a trip around the world with his girlfriend & Alaska the dog, of course!
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You can find all my recipes at this link …
This is a great recipe to bring to a party or serve at our own. I always like to incorporate vegan options for guests so I’ll definitely be making this during the holidays.